Konferenser och workshoppar

Finlands Mellanösterninstitut anordnar konferenser, seminarier, workshops och kollokvier med anknytning till Mellanöstern. Vart tredje år anordnas ett stort kollokvium om forskning i Mellanöstern och Nordafrika. Evenemang arrangeras ofta i samarbete med finländska eller utländska universitet och vetenskapliga institut.

Tidigare evenemang

  • The Seventh Finnish Colloquium of Middle East and North American Studies, 10-11 June 2024, Tampere. The theme of the colloquium was “Decolonizing Middle Eastern Studies – Critical Perspectives and Emerging Debates”. Finnish Institute in the Middle East organized the colloquium in cooperation with the University of Tampere. 
  • “The Changing and Enduring Face of the Ancient Near East: The Impact of Migration and Imperialism through the Ages”, 24-26 August 2022, Beirut. This event was jointly organized by the Finnish Institute in the Middle East (FIME) and the University of Helsinki’s Centre of Excellence in Ancient Near Eastern Empires (ANEE). It will be held at the Lebanese National Library (LNL)
  • Sixth Finnish Colloquium of Middle East and North African Studies, 9-10 December 2021, Helsinki. This colloquium organised by the Finnish institute in the Middle East (FIME) and the University of Helsinki, focused on the boundaries, intersections, and collisions between different research traditions in Middle Eastern and North African studies.
  • From the Mountains to the Sea: The Relations between Animals and Humans in Lebanon through Time –workshop, 13–14.9.2019Beirut. Workshop was organized by the Finnish Institute in the Middle East (Dr. Raija Mattila), the Department of Arts and Archaeology at Lebanese University (Dr. Jwana Chahoud) and the Department of History and Archaeology at the American University of Beirut (Professor Dr. Hermann Genz).
  • The Eleventh Nordic Conference on Middle Eastern Studies “Breaking and Creating Boundaries in the Middle”, 14-16.8.2019, Helsinki. The conference was organised by The Nordic Society for Middle Eastern Studies (NSM) and hosted by the Finnish Institute in the Middle East and the University of Helsinki.
  • ”Formative Tendencies in Near Eastern Religions and Ideologies” Workshop, 15-16.4 2019, Beirut. The workshop organized by the Centre for Oriental Studies of the University of Tartu and the Finnish Institute in the Middle East (Beirut).
  • Shrines workshop, 29.-31.8.2018, Beirut. In collaboration with the Erasmus University and Recreating Pluralism, an international academic program.
  • Fifth Finnish Colloquium of Middle East and North African Studies “Transformations of Identity and Space in the Middle East and North Africa”, 29– 31 May 2017, Joensuu. In collaboration with the University of Eastern Finland, Faculty of Theology, and the University of Helsinki, including the Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence Changes in Sacred Texts and Traditions.
  • Melammu Symposia 11 “Evidence Combined – Western and Eastern Sources in Dialogue”, 3.–6.4.2017, Beirut. In cooperation with the Melammu Project. The Melammu Project investigates the continuity, transformation and diffusion of Mesopotamian and Ancient Near Eastern culture from the third millennium BCE through the ancient world until Islamic times.
  • Workshop: New Forms of Trans-border Mobility10.-12.11.2016, Beirut. In cooperation with The Migration Institute of Finland, Åbo Akademi University and The Academy of Finland Center of Excellence RELATE from the universities of Oulu and Tampere.
  • Religion and Empire in the First Millennium BCE, 22.-25.10.2016, Beirut. In cooperation with American University in Beirut and the University of Helsinki.
  • Animals in Mesopotamia: their relation to gods, humans and things, 14.-15.12.2015, Helsinki. In cooperation with the Intellectual Heritage of the Ancient Near East Project.
  • Euro-Mediterranean Refugee and Migration Crisis: Magnitude and European Response 30.11.2015, Cairo. In cooperation with Center for Migration and Refugee Studies (CMRS), American University in Cairo and the Embassy of Finland in Cairo.
  • Today’s Iraq in Focus, 15.10.2015, Helsinki. In cooperation with the University of Helsinki.
  • Translation and Transmission in the Eastern Mediterranean 500 B.C. – 1500 A.D., 24.-25.9.2015, Rome. In cooperation with Finnish Institute in Rome, Finnish Institute in Athens and Intellectual Heritage of the Ancient Near East -project.
  • Ninth Symposium of the Melammu Project – Conceptualizing Past, Present and Future, 18.-20.5.2015, Helsinki. In cooperation with Intellectual Heritage of the Ancient Near East -project.
  • Fourth Finnish Colloquium of Middle East and North African Studies, 24.-25.4.2015, Helsinki. In cooperation with the University of Helsinki and the University of Tampere.
  • Workshop: “Lessons from Finland in History Education”. 6.12.2014, Beirut. In collaboration with Riitta Mikkola, Lebanese American University and Lebanese Association for History.
  • Media’s Role in Revolution, Counter-Revolution and Democratization in Arab Spring Countries, 19.–26.10.2014, Cairo. A media course in cooperation with the University of Tampere and the American University in Cairo.
  • The Changing Role of Media in the Contemporary Middle East, 26.9.2014, Helsinki, Finland. FIME, Anna Lindh Foundation and University of Helsinki organized an open media seminar.
  • Third Finnish Colloquium of Middle East and North African Studies2014, Turku, Finland. In cooperation with Donner Institute for Research in Religious and Cultural History, Åbo Akademi University, and Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI). The theme for the multidisciplinary conference was “Concord, Conflict and Co-existence: Religion and Society in the Middle East and North Africa”.
  • Ancient Arbela: Pre-Islamic History of Erbil2014, Iraq. In cooperation with Institut français du Proche-Orient and Salahaddin University.
  • Arab-Nordic History Seminar: EXPLORING COMMON HISTORY 2013 Cairo, Egypt. In cooperation with The American University of Cairo and Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI).
  • The II Finnish Colloquium of the Middle East and North Africa Studies 2012, Tampere, Finland. In cooperation with Tampere Peace Research Institute (TAPRI), Anna Lindh Foundation, the Finnish Egyptological Society, the Finnish Oriental Society, the Department of World Cultures and the Faculty of Theology of the University of Helsinki.
  • Pedagogies Across Cultures 2011, Amman, Jordan. In cooperation with Queen Rania Teacher Academy, University of Jordan, Hashemite University, Jordan Ministry of Education, Dahiet Al Rasheed School for Girls, The Ahliyyah School for Girls, The Bishop’s School for Boys and UNRWA.
  • The 1st Middle East Colloquium 2011, Helsinki, Finland. In cooperation with Foundation of the Finnish Institute in the Middle East (FIME), University of Helsinki and Tampere Peace Research Institute.
  • Conceptual Histories of the World and Global Translations. The Conceptualization of the Social in Eurasian Comparison 2010, Damascus
  • Law and Administration in the Ancient Near East 2008, Damascus
Publik vid det sjunde kollokviet för Mellanöstern och Nordafrika i Tammerfors, 2024.